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Mugwort Magic and the power of herbs for dreams in weaving your life path.

 Mugwort is not just a bitter Herb for digestion and intense parasite purges. This artemisia plant is THE dream Weaver. The energies of crone, wise woman, and mother, all in one space.  Mugwort is the story keeper and purifier, and has a long and deep history as an herb worked with in smoke ceremonies for journeys into the subconscious and underworld realms. The smoke this powerful plant emanates into a space, purifies the air, and the subtle energies of the humans residing there, making the physical and spiritual bodies of the subtle realms permeable, readable and expansive. Mugwort, along with many others, like yarrow, sage, skullcap and valerian, are the herbs for dreams, and the magic held within this plant, offering clarity through your dreams, meditations and divine wisdom of the ancestors. 

I have worked with this plant for many years, and a couple of years ago, while I was working through a bout of anxiety and stress, I was told that I had made the mugwort magic blend incorrectly, a strong whisper came from my intuitive body… “FERMENT it”… and from my meditation space, even though it was well past dusk, I jumped up, went out to the farmacy gardens and recreated the magic of mugwort. 

herbs for dreams
This is the magic of mugwort magic straight from the farmacy garden

The whole essence of this blend and working with mugwort is to get your human out of the way, allowing the path of your heart to lead, at all times, this is what it truly means to work with and integrate the herbs for dreams in your day to day, waking life. Mugwort brings the elder wisdom of grandmothers deep in your lineage to whip you into shape, reminding you to not worry about the unknown pieces of the path that is in front of you. And her whip isn’t too harsh, there is a nurturing of the process in finding what this path may look like and feel like for you, for each of us. 

If you have fallen away from your purpose, or taken a wrong turn, mugwort comes in to redirect and guide you back to the correct place, erasing the anxiety and worry that your human may experience, to center and connect with new light and inspiration to the calling of your soul. Mugwort comes to be there as you gather your strength in getting back to your rhythm. I turn to her as an herbs for dreams when mine have come to be fuzzy, or when I am wondering about the way the path is taking me.

Mugwort never fails to bring me back to center, with a stern, yet gentle reminder the path is the process, the winding trail is more than ok, it is it, which always encourages me to move forward (too bad I can’t take mugwort in the final days, or weeks of pregnancy!). 

Acknowledging the dark sides…

While I have worked with this remedy and more specifically, was gifted the blend from the ethers, while working through some deep and dark times of my life, mugwort does offer something for depression and anxiety, yes, but most of all, this herb acts as a vehicle to the root of these issues. And only after there has been a time of deep healing, are you going to get the most out of it. If there is lack of prayer or meditation in your life, mugwort demands to take you into those spaces. And, if there is unraveling left to be done, the aggressive side of the clearing process might be too much to dive fully into, if you are not ready. 

herbs for dreams
harvest from the farmacy garden never disappoint.

IF you are in a space in your healing process, where you have cleared the spiritual grey matter and are ready for the simplicity that healing truly offers to us all, these more intestines life changes that mugwort demands are going to come to you MUCH more gently. This has come to be very clear through working with clients, I want so much for the collective to realize how simple the darkest of healing journeys are, and then there is so much to it all in the same breath.

Not to mention the New Age healing realms, with all of the conflicting information, the rules and the brushing away of true and real human emotions. Sit this way. Don’t sit that way. Anger and fear are not mindful, love and light only! This is all bollocks. AND, there is still a process to travel when wading through thick, mud of trauma and shadow essences. Herbs for releasing trauma are vital in the healing process as they nourish our abilities to move through the shadow components of these experiences.

It frustrates me. Many of my clients are skeptical BECAUSE of all this that they hear. Many people who are struggling severely with Anxiety, PTSD and Depression have these emotions all day every day.  How do we expect them to heal when we shut them down from the beginning? Isn’t the point of ‘alternative’ healing modalities to heal? How do we encourage healing when we are slandering half of the person who sits before us?

Fall like the rain, trickling, laughing & collecting.

This is where I see plant wisdom fitting in perfectly.  I listen to what they want to teach each and every one of us. The purification process mugwort offers CREATES the flow of your soul leading the way. This clearing allows dreams to weave infront of your waking eyes, stemming from the subconscious through and into the physical. Passions are realized, and a calming effect takes over your entire being. It is a beautiful unfolding, when you are ready and open to it.  Mugwort offers the energies of fire and ice, yin and yang, which creates a calm in your being, allowing the organization of your subconscious thoughts to allow them to come to full fruition. And all the while, this stemming from the knowing that the Darkness canNOT exist without the light, mugwort teaches this to you.   

herbs for dreams in the farmacy garden
Mugwort straight from the farmacy garden. Herbs for dreams are a vital component of the Enchantment Creek Apothecary.

Mugwort Magic

This blend in particular is magic indeed, and I truly don’t take credit for it, my lineage offered it to me, it was just there to grasp it and bring it into reality.It is blended with heart strengthening plants like yarrow to help create boundaries around with spiritual herbs, for your spiritual energies, and the free flow of your heart. Yarrow reminds you to maintain your own capsule, without hardening to outside influence or energies in the process.  Protection of your space while opening up to your light. 

While I was sitting with Mugwort, as this blend weaved itself into my consciousness, she aimed to show the strength of her medicine in the spirit realm through this blend, here is the wisdom that Yarrow sent to me, and now, I get to send to you… know it is unedited from the meditative realm… 

“Stay true to the path you are walking

Not only to see the trees, the water and rocks as one with you…

But to BE them

Know and feel you are one…

Laugh with the rain as it trickles down into the streams.

When it cascades through the rocks, see how the water carves its way.

Take this into your body and soul…

Feel the rock being worn down as sometimes emotions can do…

Drink this water with your deep roots as the trees of the forest do…

Know the tree as it is you…

This is the way to stay on your path in truth…”

– Mugwort

herbs for dreams
Fall like the rain, trickling, laughing & collecting.

BE Nature…  all of nature…

Isn’t it mostly gorgeous, but with sadness dipped in.  Animals die so others can eat. Rocks are shattered to fill in gaps that make the foundation stronger.  Water floods. Swells, and pushes forces we as human beings see as indestructible. How can we not see anger in this? Intensity, frustration. I see each of these emotions in nature. Storms, massive ocean swells, hurricanes, volcanoes. Do you see how Mugwort encourages us to be all components of nature?  Becoming the water.  Feeling the rock be worn down in our cells.  Taking this nature in as it were us.

THIS is what Mugwort wants us to do, because following your path, in this raw way of being nature is how you know it is yours. Flowing through each component of the path, the shit times and the glorious ones, is all a part of the consistent chaotic state of Nature.  The realization starts here, through these plants, and in space for contemplating messages, being mindful that you are not the only communicative being on the planet, nor universe. Nature holds so many answers for your healing and the path your heart is set to create. When I dove into this space of prayer, and allowed it to set in, the vastness ceased to feel so empty. You path won’t feel so crooked any more, as you will begin to feel and know that each one of us truly is one with the greater experience. Your centered and calm being, amidst the agony, anger and fear will create waves of healing through the collective subconscious, it is inevitable.

herbs for dreams