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How does Vibrational Healing & Medicine work?

Humans are energetic beings

This is the fundamental basis of how vibrational medicine works. Because we are energetic beings, and this energy I am referring to is not just a new age concept of a spiritual sense. THis sort of vibration, the one that is looking to ascend only leads us again, further from our own power and honing the perfect vibration that each of us holds. The vibration I am referring to, is one  of electricity, it is magnetic, an electrical field of the human body

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the Sap is Stirring…

Dear First name / friend,  I can feel the sap beginning to flow again… though March is rather early to be feeling spring in Wyoming, it…

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Astragalus is not an immune herb.

Have you been relying on this herb to eliminate colds and flus, and other seasonal sickness? Do you notice it doesn’t seem to work? Let’s dive into what plants WILL work and why Astragalus doesn’t provide the results you are looking for

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Arnica Salve for Pain

Looking for a natural pain relief that truly works?
Struggling with arthritis? Swollen joints and aching muscles? How about bruises and sports injuries?

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