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Shadow and Trauma healing with Arnica Tincture

Spirit Medicine & Shadow Work is a deep and vast realm of healing, and one that I know to be most important for full life vitality. As I have been exploring in more recent blog posts, emotions festering and traumatic experiences begin stuffed into the body, is physically held in the structured waters of your body that saturate your entire being. For full healing of any kind to be achieved, addressing these areas of unrest is absolutely essential.  

Arnica tincture works to realize these stuck issues and bring them up to the surface, so that YOU can not only pinpoint them, but move through the pain as well. That being said, working with a practiced spiritual healer when using arnica cordifolia to dive into your own shadow work is also strongly advised. Traumas are on a large spectrum, and the little ‘t’s’ will be simple to address, but the big T’s of your life, please find a devoted and practiced spiritual healer to proceed forward. Arnica cordifolia is  one of my favorite spiritual herbs to work with because the bright light this herb offers to your shadows is like the sun, warming, nurturing and healing. Arnica cordifolia is a beloved ally here at the farmacy garden, mainly for topical use in our arnica pain balm (which is SUPER effective and incredibly popular… Arnica Pain Balm

Depression HUTS a lot. Spirit Medicine & Shadow Work. Arnica works to realize stuck pain. So that YOU can move through it. Diving into the Realm of Plant Spirits. Photo from BizNews
Depression HUTS a lot. Spirit Medicine & Shadow Work. Arnica drops works to realize stuck pain. So that YOU can move through it. Diving into the Realm of Plant Spirits. Photo from BizNews

Arnica tincture as an internal application is something I DONT talk about regularly…  

More disclaimers in this article, because I am that kind of herbalist, transparent and responsible while also urging you all to be educated on what is effective medicine, sometimes holding boundaries with these powerful plants is all that it takes to work with them effectively. Taking arnica cordifolia internally is a STRICTLY drop dose regime, and that is because in large doses, this wonderful herb for stress and anxiety will indeed harm your liver. AND it is so powerful in working with the shadow realms of your healing journey, I offer a homeopathic style, diluted version of arnica tincture that works wonders in shining lights upon the shadows of your psyche, to guide your healing process outside of the treatment room. 

Spirit Medicine & Shadow Work with Arnica cordifolia

Arnica tincture delivers your meditative practices, specifically in shadow and trauma work, to the root of the issue. This flower shines a bright light onto the wound, so that it is not only shown to you, but also begins to dissolve. When you begin any sort of trauma work, expect an exploration, understand that not knowing where the root is, is common, even when working with a spiritual healer. Arnica tincture gives you the mechanism to recognize areas of rootlets, and tap roots as the process of healing unfolds in your body and psyche.  

Stuck and hidden memories will begin to come to the surface. Stagnant traumatic experiences that have been shoved into the darkness of your body will start to come forward, and this is why working with practitioners alongside your plant allies and meditative practices is essential. Through the act of discovering the darkness inside of your body, you will not be permitted to ignore them, and going deeper is essential. The darkness cannot exist when you shine your light upon it, and though avoiding the dark spaces seems OK for a short while, it will manifest later as physical dis-ease. This is simply how the body works.  

Why Work on Stuck Pain of Spirit Medicine & Shadow Work?

AS I have worked with clients over the years, it seems that those who find me, are struggling with traumas that have festered into physical sickness, some of them are aware of the root, and others are completely blinded to the cause of their physical imbalances that manifest from emotional traumas. I don’t know that there is a blame here, when the body is severely traumatized, the mind creates a blockage of remembering the exact physical experience. 

Arnica - woodland flower who moves pain.  Physical & Spiritual - Arnica MOVES Stuck Pain in the Shadow. Spirit Medicine of Arnica
Arnica cordifolia – woodland flower who moves pain. Physical & Spiritual – Arnica cordifolia MOVES Stuck Pain in the Shadow. Spirit Medicine of Arnica extract

This makes the healing process of the shadow beyond complex, it settles into the subconscious realms that are difficult to get into and decipher. Even when I work with someone, and we travel into the subconscious to see and feel around, it tends to uncover more than what I usually expect. The healing process for life altering traumas is not simple when the physical body and brain have responded from them to shut down. AND this is where plant allies, like Arnica cordifolia, and having your team of spiritual healers in place is essential.

When it comes to deep healing, and pairing these subconscious experiences with it, a massive void can open up, where to go from one session, how to guide someone through these shadow realms, is delicate, and requires deep understanding of the void that can open up. Not to mention that the modern world teaches each of us not to address these pains.

This ‘victim culture’ that is surfacing, is related to this stuffing down of true and real experiences that have life altering effects in the face of trauma. I see so much spiraling happening in the masses right now, entitlement, and mental illness that is running a bit rampant because of the culture that this ‘modern society’ has created around not addressing emotional pain and truly traumatic experiences.

Some old data related to antidepressants and the darkness this society is living through… 

1 in 10 people (from 12 years old and up) in the United States from the most current CDC data 2011-2018 (yes I am eye rolling with this time frame that hasn’t been updated) are on Antidepressants. And it is clear that since 2020 depressive issues have skyrocketed, I have seen numbers of increase of the listed statistics above, of 67% uptake just between 202-2022. This is a shocking collection of data, and upsetting because so many antidepressants lead to this culture of victim-hood. 

The truth of these days is that all of us are living through incredibly dark times, it is a part of the growth cycle of humanity, and how we are to move forward with the information that is offered. All the while, societal norms and ways of operating are still in full swing, the demand to show up through all of the turmoil is incredibly taxing and in some cases, traumatizing in itself. And while working toward something meaningful is fulfilling in itself, working alongside the path of your soul, and heart, all are incredibly powerful to navigate the darkness that is circulating around society, time for rest, and quiet, and turning off all screens, is vital to your mental health. 

Arnica Fields forever....  Arnica - woodland flower who moves pain.  Physical & Spiritual - Arnica MOVES Stuck Pain in the Shadow. Spirit Medicine of Arnica
Arnica cordifolia Fields forever…. Arnica cordifolia – woodland flower who moves pain. Physical & Spiritual – Arnica drops MOVES Stuck Pain in the Shadow. Spirit Medicine of Arnica extract

While looking at this from my perspective, working through, with your head down, ignoring what is going on in the greater ecosystem of humanity now, is another solidification of the energy to just ignore, and push aside the deeper rooted issues that are being faced by us all at this time. These energies too, that are maybe more subtly traumatizing, become ingrained in your cells, through the vibrations of your internal waters, uncomfort in working through those darkest of nooks in our minds is easily brushed aside.

My biggest issue here, is that my clients report constantly, that instead of actually diving into these issues, and the deeper ones, they are prescribed pharmaceutical drugs, sometimes in cocktails that are not addressed from one physician to another. Not only does this make the traumas of just living life, let alone the ones that are shattering to a life, incredibly difficult, but the continuation of masking symptoms, with more and more pharmaceuticals has become the norm. All of this is addressing the surface, and putting bandaids on topically, while pushing the deeper issues further into the body, leading to physical manifestations of really intense dis-eases later on. I don’t claim to have all the answers, but one that is clear to me is facing, head on, your emotional traumas and physical experiences is the only way to move forward, and out of depression, anxiety and severe PTSD, I know this, because this is how I have sorted through mine. 

Personal Experience…

From personal experience, and as I have worked with these plants, countless visualizations, meditations and my team of healers. Most traumas, even ones that manifest later in life, my latest experience was at 31 years old, but the patterns, the deeper imprints usually stem from childhood. The only way to explore this is through deep subconscious and shamanic journey, and I have gone back and forth with the question of necessity. 

arnica tincture

Ill explain, for a long time I had felt that going back that far, even to before a human might remember being a step that must happen, wouldn’t relieving the vibrational imprint in the now, step one, bringing in plant allies, step two, to then relieve the physical body of the imprint of that trauma and letting go, step free, suffice in the healing process. This, unfortunately doesn’t go deep enough, and it works similarly in how, someone may relieve themselves of cancer one year, and continue to go through the same thought patterns, lifestyle choices, food habits, etcetera, to then develop the same, or worse cancer a decade later. 

If the absolute root is not addressed, the vibrational imprint of the trauma will indeed continue to occur, in similar cycles but leading to the same outcome. While I am not trained in this kind of regression therapy, there are many practitioners who are, who can travel your subconscious mind back beyond conscious memory and this, I now advocate to being a vital way of healing the physical and spiritual body fully and completely. 

Applying deep meditation and working with an experienced, and diligent practitioner, or a team of them is key for sifting through the many layers of traumatic experiences of your lifetime. Finding a team that you absolutely resonate with and who work in practices that fulfill your own belief systems is vital to the spiritual body, the follow up comes in your hands, with making lifestyle choices and changes that support the full healing process as well. I believe that I have made it clear that there are no quick fixes to the path of healing traumas, and that is the sad part. 

The happy piece, for me anyway, is that there is a bright light that can be shone upon your being, and you doing the work is where it starts. This as an incredibly empowering place for me to stand in after the last incredibly terrifying experience that I had, and with the help of my spiritual healer team, my favorite plant allies; arnica tincture and pulsatilla, paired with my own diligence, working through the complexities became like an adventure into my own being. One that continues to unfold new ways of being a better version of myself every day. YOU have the power to do this as well. 

It is your BIRTH right…

To be able to heal yourself, to work with practitioners who encourage deep healing that brings you into a new life, and the plants that come along with this process of healing are here to support your body physically, spiritually and mentally to cope with the process.  To be able to nurture what is stuck and recognize what is a burden to your spiritual psyche, will unleash your full potential as a human on this planet.  And nature is a part of that. It is in your nature to heal, and the  mirror of this through the lens of nature is all around you, showing you, reminding you of what is real. asking us please remember what is real. Remember what you are, and through listening, through the deep dive that is spiritual healing, shadow work and traumatic exploration, the stuck pain of this gnarly life, will release.  

As the human population continues to turn away from pharmaceuticals, fake food, and fake news, the entirety of us all will find what is real. The shift will happen automatically, and I see that occurring everywhere. AND, I know you are ready for the shift because you are here. I know that you are finding what is real through nature already, that remembering is inside of your body. By turning away from the fake chemical created compounds that are only causing more harm, in all facets of this ‘modern life’ you will remember more and more of your natural state; Thriving vitality in your physical, spiritual and mental bodies. 

arnica tincture

Walking with nature

I have stood with Arnica cordifolia many times in the high conifer forests of the Rockies., and I have found over and over again, going into trance states as I taste the bitter resin on my lips. Usually coming out sitting on the forest floor, trembling, or crying, as shadows come to the surface of my psyche. I am INCREDIBLY sensitive to chemicals of all kinds, and plants especially, so this movement for me, is not so abnormal, but it gives me so many clues as to HOW to work with arnica tincture and journeys into the subconscious realms with clients. YOU can move through these shadow experiences just as effortlessly, just as gracefully, as a wild harvesting day picking flowers in the forest. 

Instead of being afraid of the dark shadows coming out of the forest, arnica shows us the way to sit with them, arnica being her own spiritual healer in this sense, listen to understand when the plants are sending their messages, breathe it in, release them as they come, and BE with the forces of nature. I KNOW you will find your true self through all of this work.

These releases were parts of me that I did not know where a part of the unrest I was experiencing.

Years later I’m still working through the roots of the cause of the reasoning behind situations my younger self experienced. Because life is cyclical in this way just as nature is, the more you connect to your true self, the more you will notice this happening. And years deep in this journey of healing traumatic experiences, they are less and less altering to my day and more of an acknowledgement of my true self showing through more and more. 

I am currently out of stock of Arnica tincture, but coming mid to late January of 2025 my books are going to be opening again and the healing journey will begin. Stay tuned to the email list to be the first to know.  

Thank you for reading my loves,
