Newest to the interviews is a written piece featured on… check it out here…

Heather Jones is a revered herbalist, a master of digestive root work, and a visionary spirit weaver. Her creations are not just herbal blends; they are the manifestation of a deep connection to the earth and a profound understanding of the spiritual fabric that binds us all. Heather’s journey into the world of herbs and botanicals is a tale woven with threads of curiosity, reverence for the natural world, and a touch of magic. Through her unique blends, she invites us to embark on a transformative voyage, where the healing properties of plants meet the ethereal energies of the universe. Join Delivery Rank as we delve into the enchanting world of Heather Jones, the artisan behind Enchantment Creek Apothecary, and explore how her herbal alchemy and spiritual wisdom converge to create potions that resonate with the very essence of nature itself.…
The Profitable Practitioner Podcast with Madi Creative – LOVED this conversation with Madi. She is a gem of a healer herself and helping so many Practitioners know what it means to be Profitable. We dive into all things wellness, health, motherhood, spirituality and business.
Have a listen here!
MyticMag interview by Sarah Kirton
It was an honor to be asked to have a space on MysticMag website. Juicy interviews are where the magic really comes through.
I think you will enjoy this conversation and all of Sarah’s questions.

Stories From the Earth – Podcast – Deep dive in to all the things!
These ladies really love all that is nature. Just like we do!
Check out this Juicy interview on YouTube and Spotify

Cody Living Magazine
Coming soon
<3 Check out my monthly articles in the printed version!
Wyoming Business Counsel

“In the Bighorn Basin, near Powell, Heather Jones grows plants that thrive in the Rocky Mountains, harvests them sustainably and creates blends that become the tinctures, salves and extracts of Enchantment Creek Apothecary.
“I’m an herbalist, farmer and medical intuitive. Enchantment Creek offers bio regionally-specific herbal remedies,” Jones said. “In the context of the Rocky Mountain region, I work with only plants that grow on my farm. Everything is made and processed fresh at our location, and we are federally certified.” “
Check out the Whole Article HERE!
The Powell Tribune
“Researching and extra time in the kitchen are usually where I find myself. I have gallons of tinctures to press, salves to blend from infused oils and processing my cache of dried herbs from the forest and garden.
Bones are stashed from our hunts, which are processed into bone broth. We raise our own animals to eat as well, so we have a diversity of bone to choose from. In this way, we are self-sufficient in our meats, veggies and medicines. “
Read the Full Article HERE!