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Golden Milk Tea a classic Ayurvedic Remedy

Turmeric is seen in ALL herbal remedy lines, and health food stores, for cooking, in teas and extracts, and powders. The vibrant orange color, and zesty, somewhat spicy notes of this tuber and amazing for the body. All sorts of benefits are being shown and clinically studied in regards to Curcuma longa. As modern herbal lovers, some of us need to know the science behind it all. In Ayurveda Traditions, Golden Milk Tea has been a staple medicinal for thousands of years, and truly, this was just some sort of glorious and divine accident, because the ancient and traditional ways of healing, just KNEW things, modern scientific research proves over and over again, that traditional wisdom, and their knowing, were correct. 

Golden Milk is no different, granted that FRESH herbs in the case of Golden Milk Tea is EXTRA powerful, I love to drink this beverage as a warm, latte like drink in the winter blended up with raw milk. Here at the Farmacy, I don’t grow these herbs in the gardens, simply because they won’t grow here in Wyoming. So I order these herbs and blend them up from organic, small batch sources, so that you are still getting the best remedy available. I follow the traditional recipe and add some cardamom into it to sweeten it up. 

Let’s get into each of these herbs, and at the bottom I have included a recipe and the link to the farmacy shop, online so you can order this delicious and therapeutic blend of plants. Let’s get you on the path to feel better fast with Golden Milk Tea, which can be a warm beverage, added to smoothies or used as a spice in your cooking, there are so many uses here to nourish you and your family!

Blessings from Turmeric

Turmeric – Curcuma longa also known in India as; “Indian Saffron” has been a staple of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine practices for thousands of years. Its use is dated back 4,000 years making it an ancient medicinal herb. It helps you to feel better fast when it comes to inflammation, swelling and aches and pains, along with a HOST of other highly therapeutic benefits. 

Golden Milk - Its Bountiful Benefits

I love looking into the etymology of the latin names of medicinal plants, gives us more clues as to how these ancient civilizations were more in tune with the subtle realms to hone such names… Turmeric is derived from the Latin word terra merta meaning of the deep earth star, WOW. In Indian Sanskrit there are 53 names for Turmeric, some of them including;

  • anestha – not offered for homa (or sacrifice)
  • bhadra – auspicious/lucky
  • dhirghara – long in apperance
  • hirdayarilasini – charming, or gives delight to the heart
  • jayanti – one that wins over disease
  • laxmui – prosperity
  • ratrimanika – as beautiful as moonlight. The list continues as to the beloved names of turmeric.

It was known centuries ago and now modern science realizes the many remedies of turmeric. Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, full of antioxidants, antiseptic, cardioprotectant, hepatoprotectant and digestive. And really what does this all mean from a vibrational medicine perspective? That this herb increases our overall vitality. It is a WHOLE body herb that benefits our major organs, and tissues, to ensure that the body is in tip top shape in all regard. The waters of turmeric hold this vibration of true vitality, and health is the ultimate form of prosperity. 

There are studies showing turmeric to be decreasing to dementia, Alzheimers, and degenerative brain functioning, helping to relieve congestion and degradation in the broken down neural pathways in the brain, I worked with lots of clients back in the days of my original practice who gave this herb to beloveds who were showing beginning stages of these dis-eases, and the herb showed lots of improvement. Think if those people were taking Turmeric throughout their life, how much more vital their later years might be. This list being just the tip of the iceberg in regards to the remedies of turmeric, golden milk powder is a perfect way to get this herb into your system on a daily basis. 

Ginger – Zingiber officiniale

Continuing with the blend that the farmacy crates for Golden milk powder, ginger is another favorite addition, and a valuable healing ally for us all. I work with this plant in many of the blends in the Apothecary, because it is SO powerful, fresh is best, but there is benefit when it comes to circulatory enhancement from Ginger, so it is in our Golden Milk Tea. Well known as a staple herb and health food, this spicy, yet floral rhizome is incredibly nourishing to the overall vitality of the body. Spicy and sweet all in the same bite, I love to use it in rice dishes, and makes an excellent tea. Many cultures love this plant and Ginger is a traditional, and ancient remedy alongside Turmeric.

Golden Milk - Its Bountiful Benefits

TCM, Ayurveda and Western Herbalism all use this plant for wellness. In North America we have a wild ginger that has some of the same properties as Zingiber, but it is not quite as robust. Classic Ginger grows in tropical environments best. It loves warm temperatures and thrives in humidity. I have seen it prosper in some green houses, even out here in the Rockies. But the crop doesn’t tend to be plentiful.

As a medicine, Ginger holds many actions. Like Turmeric, it is an antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory. As well as it being incredibly stimulating to the circulatory system. Hot bodies will be cooled, by perspiration and cold bodies warmed with increase of blood flow. It is indeed a perfect companion to Turmeric in this warming, nourishing beverage, there is a perfect reason for these herbs being paired together, and at the farmacy we are set on bringing powerful plant remedies together to increase your vitality and health.

Cinnamon & Cadramom – Sweet Spices of Wellness

Cinnamon and Cardamom are both traditional, well known spices for cooking and baking offering a sweet, and a little kick too. Traditionally, in the west, we add these two to Christmas and Thanksgiving baking, but they have also been around for centuries in traditional healing methods. Studies have started to pop up as to the regulatory aspects of Cinnamon in Blood Sugar levels. They both nourish and regenerate the circulatory systems and are soothing aromatics. Cinnamon and Cardamom round out our Golden Milk Powder blend beautifully adding to the flavor profile and nourishment.

Golden Milk - Its Bountiful Benefits

Black Pepper – Piper nigrum

There is much talk about the necessity of Black Pepper accompanying Turmeric for better assimilation. It is thought that it is needed to cross the Blood Brain Barrie, while also being linked to making Turmeric more Fat Soluble and therefore more useful in therapeutic circumstances. I need to look into this further, because traditional recipes don’t always include black pepper, cooking would and again, traditionally, there was lots of raw milk from cows and goats mixed into Indian and Chinese cooking. SO there is much to learn, and I DO include Black Pepper in my recipe so that we have the benefits, and the potential extra activity of Turmeric in our Golden Milk Powder.

Golden Milk - Its Bountiful Benefits

Pepper, as we know (SNEEZE!) is an aromatic plant, it travels through the air as we cook, and comes through our bodies in this way too, that sneeze response is a clue that we are getting an abundantly active spice in a very small package. Black pepper is a really powerful carminative, rubifacient, and digestive, meaning it brings heat and encourages circulation throughout the body and targets the gut. Similar to Ginger, it acts as a DRIVER of other plants and even potentially pharmaceuticals through the body, enhancing their affects. 

Black Pepper also has a particular stimulating effect in the production of mucous in all of our orifices maybe skip the black pepper oil though!  I love having this spice and really, medicinal herb added in, to enhance our overall well being. I think this blend also says, CHEFS are herbalists too!

Medley of Magical Herbs

As you have begun to grasp here. These herbs were not chosen by accident. They were blended perfectly thousands of years ago by the knowing of the magic of plants, and though I do not know how they grow in the wild, I would imagine that many of these plants could be found growing together in similar ecosystems. Nature really does know best, and as we tap back into our subtle selves, the ethereal messages from our plant Kin shine through into our conscious mind, nature guides us home. 

These herbs all match action, effect and taste. Each of the other one playing on sweet, floral, and spicy flavors. Emulsified in a fatty coconut milk makes Golden Milk Powder a perfect Tea for Winter Time and all of the time, find it linked below in the farmacy shop offerings.

Golden Milk - Its Bountiful Benefits
Golden Milk - Its Bountiful Benefits