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Astragalus is not an immune herb.

Have you been relying on this herb to eliminate colds and flus, and other seasonal sickness? Do you notice it doesn’t seem to work? Let’s dive into what plants WILL work and why Astragalus doesn’t provide the results you are looking for

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5 Ways To Use Rosemary

Rosemary is very much one of my favorite herbs… how many times have I said that??.. Any way. I will say it again and again……

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BEST Arnica salve for Pain

Arnica salve has a strong reputation in holistic health care, and this comes with good reason. Massage therapists, Athletes, even Surgeons use it regularly for…

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It Stops Here. Period.

Fluctuations of Female & the Bleed… Women.  We are strong, flexible, and looked to for healing, teaching and nurturing.   All of these amazing aspects of…

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