It is no longer a hidden truth that what is in our dietary supplements, and what isn’t. Understanding this can be not only confusing, but it is hidden in the labels that are supposed to be there for clearing up the confusion. I wanted to dive into this, because so many people are diving into taking Vitamin C, D and the major culprit, calcium. The recommendations come from our doctors, but does that mean we are grabbing the correct bottles of nutrients from the shelves? Let’s get into what a synthetic vitamin is versus one that comes from plants. I believe you will find that Nature Made Nutrients Nourish Better.

Because I happen to be in this industry umbrella. I feel it is most important to fully understand the perspective and role of Herbalist. VS that of Massive Corporations who peddle synthetic nutrients, capsules with fillers instead of what they claim to contain. And tablets that are pressed to be something resembling the grit of an herbal powder. It is key for you all, as well, to know where I am coming from. Why I make the tinctures and extracts that I do and HOW I conclude that Nature Made Nutrients Nourish Better. It goes back to our bodies being nature. And how our cells understand HOW to process nutrients that are of matching consistency. Nature is our TRUE Nature.
VITAMIN C – Nature Made Nutrients Nourish Better
Nutrient Number 1
When we glaze over the Nutrition facts labels, or the Supplement Labels on our foods and supplements. I feel that we are mostly counting calories. Observing Percentages and then making conclusions that this company. Featuring a product in a store, is being honest. Is providing what they say they are providing. Maybe the Natural Food shop has a willing representative to claim this is the best product that has ever been. Scenarios that I have encountered myself.
But when we look deeper. Further down the bottle, or in parentheses next to the nutrient of consideration. We can see one of two ideas of what is and isn’t present in this bottle. Either scientific names of nutrients, or scientific / Latin names of plants where the nutrients are sourced.
Solaray is pictured below. See the supplement facts as well as the ingredient list.

While I did choose this example because of the bioflavonoid content. That is sourced from cherry here. Though the higher content of Ascorbic Acid at 500mg where the bioflavonoids are included at 100mg. When we take this vitamin C into our bodies. We lose up to 80% of the 500 milligrams. Excreting this through our urine. While this company has included bioflavonoids into their blend, we make up some traction with this. The entire 100mgs of cherry extract is retained within our cells. We are nourished by nature made nutrients here. Though, is it worth the loss to take this vitamin for our vitamin C needs? How much was wasted here besides our money?
There are a few more photos of Vitamin C products listed below. See what you notice there. Ingredients? Flavorings? Ascorbic Acid and corn starch? These always make me wonder… The FDA likes to have controlled substances. Like Ascorbic acid that is made in a lab. They know it is the same ascorbic acid every time. Made the same way. In the same conditions, and this consistency wins for them. But what does that do in our bodies? Are we nourished?
Does it truly matter to need to regulate our intake this intensely? What happens when we eat a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, pure meats, and fats. Wouldn’t we be nourished by nature more wholly with whole foods, no matter the variations in each orange, or apple, or head of lettuce.

Garden of life is always my resting point of purity standards. Though they were purchased by a massive corporation who doesn’t hold these values a few years ago. Garden of Life has remained tied to their values. From what we can see any way. And their supplement facts label is incomparable to any of the ones I have listed above. Pure Synergy is another capsulated company that I have listed. There is a massive difference in the MG dose of Vitamin C. Comparable to other generic brands that have thousands of mgs of Vitamin C. Where only 10-20% is absorbed. But when we consider that 100% absorption is happening with these two companies, and other nature made nutrients. The proof is in the pudding. Let’s get back to NATUREs basics.

Nature Made Calcium and Vitamin D
I get into calcium and Vitamin D in the video. These two are on my hit list because there are studies linked to these synthetic nutrients. CAUSING osteoporosis, showing bone density loss and causing brain fog & mood disorders. When the science shows these things happening. I don’t feel it to be an industry wide problem. What I see are a bunch of slightly regulated companies taking advantage of the population who is being recommended to take these supplements.
It is the problem that many of the health food stores do not employ customer service representatives with any incentive to understand what they are selling. We don’t often find Herbalists, Nutritionists, or other Nature Made Nutrition enthusiasts working. When we aren’t educated further from selling a supplement. How would anyone fully understand what they are actually putting into their bodies or the bodies of their customers.
FDA Standards of Control
Back to the subject of lab made nutrients being consistent. The FDA loves this. What they really don’t love, are businesses like mine that make extracts from fresh plant material that is grown on the farm or in the forest. The FDA and Farmacy Herbalists don’t mix very well. But I am under their supervision through the state. The regulations are indeed in place. But I am under strict rules of what I can and cannot say.
Notice on the Garden of Life and Pure Synergy labels that the RDA percentages are not established. But under the Ascorbic Acid they are available. How is it that food made nutrients by nature, not able to be established as a valid source of KNOWING our RDA? It baffles me every time I ponder these things.
What I am allowed to say to you. Is that food is our medicine. It is the best medicine. When we nourish ourselves by nature, we not only live to survive. We thrive. Simply because Nature Made Nutrients Nourish Better. When we address our diets and lifestyles. I see people’s entire health spectrum shift into a space of 10 years younger than they are. Their mood stabilizes and their energy levels soar.
To me, as your herbalist. I am committed to bringing you Nourishment by Nature for your Nature Made bodies. Nature Made Nutrients Nourish Better. That is what they science says. That is what our ancestry says, and that is what I will continue to stand by!
Thank you for being here my plant friend. Check out our Vitamin Vinegars that are sure to NOURISH you by nature with nature!
Remember to share this with friends and spread the good knowledge. The time is now to return home to the basics of nature.
Big love to you and yours.