It is the time again to refocus on our meditation practice, and did you know that the best way to nourish your meditation time is just sitting down to do it? Since becoming a mother, I have learned that meditation truly can fit into the minutes between or even during the chaos of the day, no matter the stage you are in, beginners will benefit greatly from this simple and quick and simple grounding meditation. Tuning into the most powerful form of vibrational healing and medicine – the Earth.

Focused on Love
Last time, we worked on taking in and giving back the most powerful force of the universe.; Love. Focusing on the power that this force holds for all the collective for our own body and then sending it back out into the universe, reciprocity of honoring the force that is love. This begins not only a meditative space, but it invites self care and self appreciation into your life. When working with a force as powerful as love, you are automatically filled up with vitality. This can be given to our goals, our plans and day to day lives and that ripples back out into your community, the earth, the plants and animals that you touch, and heals beyond just you through vibrational healing and resonance.
Taking this power for love and sending it into the earth, is another form of a reciprocal relationship to the ground and all the beings that live there. Once again, simple meditations becoming a power house of vibrational healing and medicine for your body and the body of the earth, connecting to the ground, sharing the frequency that holds all of us every day with this simple grounding meditation.
Practicing IN Nature
Some will tell you that wild spaces are essential to this practice, and yes, the forest floor, holds a powerful frequency, and I encourage you to connect to it as often as you can, but alas, holding space for this practice and it being simple, KNOW that your lawn is gorgeous, your gardens are powerful, even your pastures and green spaces in the city hold the grounding capacity the earth has to offer. Each time you HONOR this connection, this capacity of healing, it is amplified and it can be done where ever you are… As nature is us, and we are nature, born from it and returning to it.

This is a meditation that brings you into connection with your roots, and those of the trees, plants, rocks, minerals, and core of the earth. Generally, I like to practice this one outside, and preferably while standing with bare feet on the grass, dirt, or maybe if you’re lucky, a bed of chamomile. Those of us in Wyoming, however, I wouldn’t recommend this action in say February, as it might not be an aspect of implementing Vital Health philosophies… ‘wink’. You CAN do this meditation in the house too, and as you visualize your roots beginning to flow downward… see them split the foundation of your house, feel the cold, damp earth that holds your home below… this creates a powerful visual and energy around grounding.
Stand, or sit, I have even done this laying down, seeing roots coming from all corners of my body that are touching the earth. You become the trees in this, where your as above, so is below is vibrationally happening. Grounding into the earth in any of the ‘meditative postures’ is perfect, you do you, as the most important thing about meditation is getting to the space to make it happen. Formalities are truly only for those times when it works.
If you are inside your home, I do encourage you to bring the trees inside with you, burn some Cedar or Alder, take some of the Tree of Wisdom Blend from Enchantment Creek to bring the energies of the forest into your house. By bringing remedies, smoke medicine and boughs of trees into your meditation space, you are bringing the spirit of the trees into your spiritual body, vibrational healing and medicine at it’s finest.
the Simple Grounding Meditation…
Start, as usual, with breathing in the love. Get into your meditative space slowly and with ease. Light your tree and scents, and take your tree remedies, if that is what you are doing. As you start to go inward, take a few deep breaths in through your nose, and sigh out, all of the day, or the stress that you may be holding. See the forest in your minds eye, smell it, and feel your toes in the soil, allow your inward gaze to focus on your Root Chakra, the one at the base of your spine. Notice, as you continue to breathe, a root, or a vine, or a cord budding there…

If you are sitting or laying down, maybe you notice there are many roots beginning to form in your subtle body. With each breath, watch as these roots grow, they expand and begin to lengthen. see your roots going into the ground with each inhale, watch as they grow and begin to penetrate the ground beneath you. If you are inside, watch your roots penetrate the floor of your house, with each breath they become more and more powerful that as they go through the foundation, it cracks and crumbles with ease. See your roots then dive into the Earth. With every inhale they go deeper and deeper. Feel each layer of the earth’s crust as your roots go through them.
Through your minds eye, see all the layers of the earth that your roots pass through, see the microbes, and the mycelium, the bugs and critters that live under ground. You might hit an aquafer, soak in this cool, crystalline water that sits beneath your feet, allow your roots to take drinks from the water table below you. Take in that water in this pure place, it holds the vital energy of the Earth, and continue to go deeper. Notice the bedrock, the crystals that lay there, begin to feel the vibrational healing soaking into your system as you continue to go deeper, the vibration and medicine of the Earth beginning to saturate your being.
Below that, continue to go through layers of rock, layers of fossils, layers of minerals. Each layer, let your roots take up nutrients and energies that are there; keep breathing, and connecting. See each layer as you are able.
With every exhale feel the energies of our earth assimilate into your body. Each inhale go deeper and deeper into the Earth with your roots. When you exhale, feel the energy of the Earth moving through your body and out. As it moves through your body you are nourishing your spiritual and energetic bodies with the forces of nature. You’re bonding with the Earth, and the divine. As you bring it into your body. This creates the realization that you too can be a tree. Grounded into the earth. Strong, sturdy, and wise.
You will start to see a glow after a while, continue to go toward that glow. It will get brighter, and once you penetrate into the crystalline center of the great lady downstairs, notice the color of the core that you see. Watch as it swirls around and your roots swirl along with it, winding themselves around the core of Mother Earth, intertwining with the energy housed in the center of this powerful being we call earth, I want you to take particular notice of the colors swirling around, when you feel that you are securely attached, begin to breathe this crystalline energy from the earth up through your roots into your body.
See each piece of your roots light up with this energy, and when you hit your Root Chakra, see it light up with the energy of the earth, continue to suck this energy up into your physical and spiritual body, watching each of the chakra centers light up with the vibrancy of the core of our great home. Let it pool and build at the crown just above the top of your head… and sit with the energy there, building and bubbling.
Building the Energy…
As you assimilate this Earth Energy into your body and ethereal beingness, your notice how your physical body is feeling. Notice where there are dark or shadowy energies in any of your chakras and send the earth energy there, it will dissipate in seconds, healing and nourishing you on all facets. As you exhale, feel this, ask the earth and the divine creator how you can best use this energy. Feel it on the exhale as this powerful Earth Energy is assimilated into all of your cells. As this energy is brought into your body, and saturates you, it is also given back to the environment around you.

As you breath, you are enriching the space around you. Your home, your neighborhood. If you are outside, the forest, the land you live on. Even the mountain that you stand upon. Ask these spaces what is needed from your grounding energy. This will be the gift you can give back. You may sit here for many minutes, or just a few, either is beneficial to all that this energy touches, and if you choose, you can end here, to continue the flow throughout your day. It is a powerful and simple grounding meditation that allows for the energy to continue to flow, for you to maintain your connection to the earth.
Every where. All the time.
Another beautiful part of this meditation is that it can be done anywhere and everywhere. Your roots can grow as you walk to work, they can go into the ground as you sit at your desk. They can penetrate the building your office is in. When you have your hands in the dirt roots, can go down from your palms, and fingertips. As you work with the earth physically, you can work with the Earth spiritually. Each piece of this meditation will reconnect you to nature.
As you do, you connect to your vital life force, feel into what you are exhaling. Feel what you are bringing into your body, then, after your meditation time, if you feel so inspired, write down what you feel. Write down what you saw coming into your body, take note of the dark spaces that vanished with the powerful energy from the core of the earth. Remember and solidify what you saw as you dove into the Earth with your roots.

Everybody’s experiences will be different. And everybody’s experiences will be positive. Sometimes this meditation will help you to let go of negative aspects of life. Other times you will just be feeling that tree energy and the power of tree wisdom that comes from working with tree medicine, and the vibrational healing and medicine coming from the Earth.
Come January, I am going to be officially opening my books back up again, after a much needed few months off to welcome our new baby into the family. This kind of therapy, when done in connection with a practitioner, is incredibly healing, as I hold the space for any imbalances to be dissolved, seen and remedied. I also take this much further in sacred sessions with clients. I look forward to working together through the healing powers of YOU and of the Ethereal realms that surrounds all of us.
Grounding. This is beginning of the re-connection to what we are. Re-connection to nature the plants and the trees, the animals and the fungus are our sisters and brothers. We all need each other and I look forward to hearing your re-wilding stories. Thank you for working with me, And thank you for opening yourself up to this meditative practice. I look forward to hearing about how this is going for you… green blessings and as always…