Humans are energetic beings
This is the fundamental basis of how vibrational healing and medicine works simply because we are energetic beings, and this energy I am referring to is not just a new age concept of a spiritual sense. This sort of vibration, the one that is looking to ascend only leads us again, further from our own power and honing the perfect vibration that each of us holds. The vibration I am referring to, is one of electricity, it is magnetic, an electrical field of the human body that interacts with all that comes into close proximity to you. Learning to increase the efficiency of this Natural Electrical Magnetic field, strengthening its vitality is Vibrational Medicine and Healing.
When I am looking at vibrational medicine, I see a blend of science and spiritual medicine, which leads me to know that it is a key component to fully healing a human body. “Since living structure and function are orderly. Biological oscillations are organized in meaningful ways and they contribute information to a dynamic vibratory network that extends throughout the body and into the space around it. Energy medicines and vibrational healing and medicines seek to understand this continuous energy matrix and to interact with it to facilitate healing.” – Energy medicine, the scientific basis by James l. Oshman. This, for me, encompasses what it means to be in our full divine blueprint of vibration and how healing truly works when it comes to nutrition, water intake, working with healers and physicians, and honing in on each component of a mindful life. I also love that because nature holds frequency as well, we can learn to manipulate these electrical currencies that run through our bodies and connect with all that is around us to heal the earth, and each other.
The Electrical Conductor of Our Bodies
I sincerely hope that none of you (or anyone maybe one day???) ever do, but I am certain that you know people who have ended up in the hospital with heart or brain problems, what is the form of testing that they conduct? On the brain is an EEG (electroencephalogram) which tests and measures the electrical activity that is happening in the brain at that time. And for the heart? An EKG (electrocardiogram) which is also testing the electrical field that is pulsing through the heart. Each of these tests are based on the naturally occurring electrical magnetic field of these two major organs, the ones who really, run the entire show. Our hearts are even revivable with an electric shock coming from the defibrillation (AED) if someone flatlines in an emergency situation.
These therapies and testing modalities are directly related to assessing the electrical charge of the human body. If these currents can be read through testing, why can they not be worked with for healing as well, and how much of this native EMF that our bodies produce, is related to the entire functioning of the divine system that we call a human body? Some fun bits have come out of the book I quoted above; during the late 18th century, doctors were clinically working with and manipulating people through exterior electrical healing modalities. There were things like electrical belts, electrical battery plasters, electrical foot batteries, and even an electric ring for rheumatism which were each available in the 1902 edition of the Sears Catalog. No surprise that these mechanisms of healing were abolished from the system, doctors were threatened with jail time if they were caught, and all of this happening around the same time that Pharmaceutical Drug Companies were beginning to pop up.
Working with the Vibrational Body
These methods of vitality were explored by a man named Saxton Burr, PhD and professor at Yale. He was the one that began to understand what our nervous system is, and he began some electrical and controversial studies in the role of electricity and dis-ease. He was noticing negative charges in healthy tissues, and positive charges in tissues that were cancerous, or degrading in other capacities. When he started working to treat those diseases with electricity, the healing for the patients was profound. His body of work is decades long, and shows working models of how electrical therapy, not just testing, can encourage healing in our bodies.
I absolutely know that the vibrational body, or if you will, the structure of our vibration, is an attainable, physical experience for healing on all levels. The common theme I have been exploring is that conducting a healing force of healing electricity is simple, and what is more difficult to attain this nourishing frequency, is that we are bombarded with highly charged Man Made EMF frequencies.
Almost all of us, and this exposure is growing each year, are exposed to microwave type radiation vibrations, which are 5 to 10 times higher than the natural vibration of our bodies and the earth. These non native EMFs include Wi-Fi radiation, cell phones and cell phone towers, the microwave and all sorts of other electrical currents. When a human is around these kinds of radiations constantly, the negative health effects are detrimental as our bodies respond to the electrical charge of the higher frequencies. This, for me, leads to the link as to why there are tumors in the shape of cell phones where the person wears their cell phone.

There are many ways to manipulate this kind of energy that we transmit through our bodies and around us in ways that are going to encourage the health and the vitality of our being. And it is working with the conduction of the Native EMFs that our bodies and the earth emit, in a positive way.
“The vibrations are collective or cooperative phenomena. In which all of the the weekly vibrating parts in the presence of an electric field become coupled, the result is a strong orderly and stable vibration. That is far more the sum of the individual vibrations” – Energy Medicine – The Scientific Basis.
This is not only talking about each one of us as individuals, taking the time and energy required to nourish our own electromagnetic frequency, while also talking about the resonance factor between human beings and all other beings of nature that we encounter. When you are able to cultivate a pure natural energetic frequency of health and vitality for YOU. This ripples into the collective of bodies, of animal, plant, fungi and bacteria, we begin to vibrate together in harmony, thus tapping into our divine blueprint of health and vitality. So, let’s get there, together, shall we?
Structured water.
Beyond the Pure materialistic view of electricity within our bodies comes the formation of a very scientific and yet, highly up to spiritual form of water. Structured water holds our entire being in a web of crystalline vibrational power. The term Structured Water, or the exclusion zone (EZ Water) was coined by Gerald Pollack to truly exist. He expounded upon the work of a Chinese Scientist Gilbert Ling who hadn’t quite, in Gerald’s mind, finished the expiration of water.
This water is not only a component of our bodies, which are made of up to 75% water, but this gel substance, EZ water, holds our organs, fills our blood vessels and is being shown to hold most of the responsibility of most of the movement in our circulatory systems.

Structured water is a pure form of water known as EZ or 4th phase water, because it is almost like a gel. Jello is a perfect depiction of what this water is, mostly water, with proteins dissolved within it, creating some gel like structure. In a healthy, vibrant state this water creates a thick layer throughout the body, and produces a positive electrical charge, holds vibration of thought, experience and essence of who you are.
What has been extra fascinating to learn about this is that Structured water and its positive charge, encases the hydrophilic tubes that are our veins. The blood, which is also looked at as bulk water, is thick, full of cells and nutrients, oxygen, and waste products, and holds a positive charge. This tension of positive and negative electricity creates movement within the blood vessels and lymphatic systems, this is what truly moves the thousands of miles of veins through to the capillaries of our bodies. This absolutely blows my mind
Energies in our Structured Water…
The power of structured water is absolutely phenomenal, and it is an entire other subject that I just wanted to put out there to wet your appetite… AND this positive electrical current is holding our entire structure, the proteins we consume and create hold this structured water in a web that surrounds our organs, our bodily fluids flow because of it, and dis-ease is created when these waters are poisoned and degraded, because water holds vibration in all capacities. I know I have mentioned Veda Austin in most of the recent blog articles that I am typing out regarding Vibrational healing and medicine, and that is because the images are PROFOUND in showing how this actually happens in all water that holds life, including our own waters. Our soul being is reflected in our waters, and creates or deteriorates this powerful and miraculous structure of water.
From my perspective, this is where we hold strength or the downfall of the vibration of our entire being because it is directly correlated to the choices we make when it comes to food, medicines, water, thought patterns, emotional healing or not, and how much trauma is stored within the body. Because we can actually see the imprint of consciousness in water (follow the link to Veda Austin’s website for the best visuals of this), because we can see that happening. We know our thoughts, our intentions and our choices of what we ingest is imprinted into our bodies into the structured water, we bathe in these choices and decisions.
This vibration of all that we put into our bodies is held within the crystalline structure, this is what holds our organs, and creates a vital or degrading human being. Bit and little traumas are held here, negative thought patterns , and the toxicity from poorly raised food, poison water and pharmaceutical drugs. Each of these leads to the degradation of our bodies, and later in life, dis-ease.
When these structures are degraded, you are not only holding poisons within your body, whether that be physical, or thought form, you are also creating a degradation of your circulatory system. Thus, the delivery of any nutrients you are getting to feed your system, the detoxification process that would normally happen through the circulatory responses is eroded. Your vital organs like the structure of your hearts and arteries, your brains and the rest of the body deteriorates after.
This is, I know, a rather bleak picture, and it is the unfortunate reality of the modern life we are all living through, AND I see so much hope when I look at this picture. That is because YOU, each one of you have the power of choice. Most of what you ingest is a choice (of course there are environmental poisons that are not our choice…) and what you think and view through media is a choice, what you put into your brain and how you tend to your mind. ALL of this is in the power that you hold, and there is a LOT of vitality that comes with just these simple choices.
There’s been a simple practice I’ve been doing through witnessing Veda Austin’s work and it is whispering after affirmations into my water each time I take a drink (most each time, because hello, I am human.) A living prayer and meditation through the waters I ingest, which translates into my saliva and then into the waters that I drink. This alone, enhances the imprint of the waters of your body as the water you drink saturates your being. Just this simple act, has brought to light more in depth monitoring of the triggers that I experience in my life, more ability to feel and release traumas that surface, and holding the vibration of peace, comes through in all conversation that I might have. It has taken my habit of mindfulness to a whole new level.
Nature and the EMFs of the Earth

There are lots of other ways to work with negating the harmful impacts of non-native electromagnetic fields and all of the poisons that we ingest without consent and that is tapping into the negative ions of the Earth. The Earth as I was discussing in the first section of this post, the Earth holds a very low vibrational frequency of electricity, and when you walk around barefoot or just stand on the Earth barefoot for a few minutes a day, you are able to tap into that grounding frequency. Think about a 3 prong electrical outlet, the 2 at the top are conducting the charge the third is grounding that electrical current so to, hopefully and mostly, eliminate the risk of combustion and fires happening within our homes. This is what the earth is doing to your body, conducting a grounding and neutralizing force of electricity which negates the effects of non-native EMFs.
With all of a, the poisons and toxicity that we are completely incapable of controlling what is in our air, the fumes from vehicles, especially in the city, radiation from cellphone towers and Wi-Fi Bluetooth etc, This practice was really considered fringe, heavy with the woo-woo junk pseudoscience. Maybe even until people started showing that this electrical current can indeed be harnessed and brought into your body.
Some easy steps for EMF vitality? Stop wearing your cell phone, keep it away from your body, turn bluetooth devices off, and discontinue bluetooth headsets, and accessories. Turn your wi-fi off at night, just unplug it, or if yours is able, schedule it off for after sunset through sunrise, and leave any devices out of your bedroom. There are MANY other more techniques we can implement but these are some simple, and controllable steps for maintaining a vitally balanced blend of needing these modern devices to protect your body and that of your family’s.
Herbs and their Vibrational Healing and Medicine
There is so much I could say and want to say about herbs and how they are actually working when it comes to vibrational healing and medicine. This goes far and; beyond the chemical constituents of a plant, and into the vibrational holdings of it’s waters. Another component of Herbalism that I have been skirting around for years, knowing that my practice and the medicine I make for my practice needed to contain fresh plant material only. And now, I know why that was such a powerful force.
Fresh plant material that I harvest and make medicine with means harvesting the herbs and within an hour, maybe two. If I’m foraging and have to drive a distance, then go straight into the menstruum (the herbs that come out of the apothecary gardens are in menstruum within 30 minutes). There is hardly any water loss in the plants that are made into medicine in Enchantment Creek and the farmacy. Thus, the vibrational imprint of the waters of the plants that are being put into the remedies, and now I understand that this really does have a massive impact on the quality and potency of herbal remedies. Through the plants, the farmacy gardens and the bodies that are interacting with the herbs when being grown, harvested and made into medicines.
There is an actual force coming out of my body that can be imprinted into the waters of the plants as I am harvesting from the farmacy gardens, even as I walk them to the apothecary, chopping them into pieces and then filling the jar with the menstruum. Another component why knowing your farmer and farmacy is absolutely vital to your health, think about this when it comes to food!

This was always on my mind when I started making plant medicines, that the fresh waters of the plant held something special, something that mattered to the final product. Flower essences were my reference point, they are ALL vibrational healing and medicine, yet, once again, it didn’t click until now, that there are READABLE vibrational imprints in the structured water held within plants. Wild plants, garden grown, organic, biodynamic and conventional agriculture practices all create a vibrational imprint within the water that plant holds. Then it comes down to our choice point, do we want a conventional agriculture carrot, or one that was grown by hands deep in prayer, deep in reverence and holding a reciprocal relationship with the land? I know which carrot I would like to have, and based on this principle I know what Herbal Tincture, Salve, and Tea I will choose also.
Herbs grown in the same manner, processed with intention, processed fresh and powerful, this is vibrational healing and medicine, this is the vibrational imprint we have the choice to make when it comes to putting substances of any kind, into our bodies.
I was brought to tears a few weeks ago while I was doing a plant walk with a group of women in the forest, talking about the root herb Gentian, also known as the century plant or Cebadilla. Based on information from the late and awesome Herbalist Michael Moore, I have been taught that this plant can be up to 90 years old. Maybe some flower at 90 years old, maybe some at 5, or 10, or 1 even. I don’t know, I am not tracking this intensely in the wild lands.
The point being that this plant dies off QUICKLY after it flowers, and the root is the medicine is most powerful. When that plant is harvested, and you ingest the medicine, you are potentially, ingesting decades of snowfall and melting springs, decades of rainfall and freezing in the fall, years of drought and these plants were stressed, the entire lifespan of that plant, you are ingesting the vibration of that life, This is what the Earth has to offer, and us to offer to her in return, it is no accident that these plants hold the capacity to heal your body, their chemicals and the vibrations of their growing life.
Intuition and Journeys
This is another subject that is a little more elusive. Because it is really difficult to even talk about, do words exist in English to portray the power of the subtle realms that surround us at all times? Resonance, in a scientific form, I fell can encompass what these subtle exchanges are, connecting them to something tangible and material for the modern, western mind to grasp, an exchange of electrical currents that are measurable and are shown to be transferable between all living beings, human to human, human to animal or plant, and human to the earth. We are conduits of another kind.
The electromagnetic frequency that our bodies, and especially our hearts, emit extends, I’ve read 6 to 7 feet beyond our bodies. You know when you sense another person’s ‘energy’ when they walk into a room? They might be one who completely ignites the space and livens it up, they draw everyone in. Or the exact opposite happens when someone walks into a room, and you say to yourself, steer clear of that one! This is your heart and electromagnetic resonance to another living being, the electromagnetic field that surrounds you, surrounds them and everyone else, is giving you that 6th sense. This is an energetic exchange.
Neuroscience has gone so far into the more quantum physics realm, it is confirming all of these things and confirming intuition through that resonance, through that understanding of somebody else’s vibrational field. Even Einstein touched on a concept that he coined as spooky action. One atom and another atom can be across the room, or the world and essentially talk to one another through the vibration that they are emitting into the wider electromagnetic field. Have you ever thought of a friend, only to have them call you minutes later? All of this encapsulates the experience of vibrational healing and medicine that comes from intuitive readings and shamanic journeys, it is a reading of YOUR electromagnetic field and the interpretation of that reading through another’s trained intuitive body.
When a practitioner is able to tap into the ethereal realm, into this electric connection, while simultaneously pairing the understanding of the physical body and how it is affected via these journeys, you get an all-encompassing healing modality, one that can view the subtle energies of imbalances in your body through the eyes of divine love.

Getting into the esoteric or metaphysical and ethereal realms that you cannot see, but are felt and sensed all the time, (though, yes, some people do see and hear this realm, I know because I see and heard this realm) to then facilitate an experience of deepening of intuition and deepening of healing the repressed traumas, ignored habits and ways of being that are truly degrading your body, are revealed. This type of healing is tapping into and reading the client’s vibrational essence, in all the ways. Relieving these kinds of energies from your body are doing just that, seeing them, acknowledging and then releasing, it completely shifts your internal waters, and electromagnetic field to be in perfect alignment with your divine blueprint.
There have been countless times when I work with a stranger and I can read them like a book. How can this happen? I am only now beginning to understand the answer to this question and in this article exploring the evidence of how. All that has kept me going is that I’ve done this over and over again, it is repeatable, consistent and it’s therefore irrefutable.
Work with me…
There is a side note, and an important one, just like all healing, there must be, this is no magic pill. A client I may be working with who comes and has a most glorious and miraculous experience of releasing trauma, nourishing their vibratory field and thus their body, who goes home and continues the exact same patterns they were in BEFORE the vibrational healing and medicine journey, will continue to cultivate the same experiences as before. This is not a magical thing, vibrational healing and medicine, it is resonance. Which is why in one session, one experience, one doctor’s visit, one massage, is only going to take any human so far. your own life and the healing happens quickly. And sometimes there is a lot more, especially when it comes to trauma and emotional unrest. Physical stuff too though, because if you are making choices, like I discussed in the first section of this article (its a big one and I am so glad you are still with me!) it comes down to choice when you get home, and also, choosing ongoing support.

I will leave you with these last couple of thoughts, if someone is offering a magic pill that will fix all of your problems, with anything at all, use your discernment, your critical thinking, because this concept is a fallacy of the instant gratification that has come from living in modern life. Turn from these things, find what is real, find it inside of your being to take your health and healing into your own hands, because in the end, that is what is going to make the path clear, vibrant and whole. Your energetic body is yours to tend to, and I see you, and I know that you can do this.
Stay tuned for January of 2025, I’ll be opening my books again for sessions. I can’t wait to take you through your healing journey physically, and vibrationally.