Osha root is an herb that finds itself at the top of my favorite list, I really feel it was a major draw as to why I moved out here. Not that there weren’t any bear medicine, or Osha plants in the Pacific North West, where I am originally from, but because the particular species of the Rockies, L. filcinium and L. porteri are particularly powerful. I adore all aspects of it, from its flower, to seed, down into the root medicine of the fall. It is an herb that I rely on regularly to simply feel better fast, it never stays in stock in the farmacy shelves, and they way I work with it, as a true tonic for daily use. As for most powerful tonic herbs (and I have had herbalists disagree with me on the tonic factor… I’d love to converse about this) there are endless ways to work with Osha Root. Because of all of its uses, this powerful herb is used in the western tradition of herbalism as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine. She is nourishing to the immune system, and an anti-microbial, a lung tonich (shown to increase lung capacity by up to 40%), and encourages a healthy flow of circulation and warmth throughout the body.
DISCLAIMER* Osha is an Apiaceae family herb, and because of this fact, it is incredibly important to have a perfectly positive ID before experiencing this plant from the wild. Working with a competent herbalist, with skills in botany will maintain a healthy relationship with wild herbs, and one that is long lasting for you. When I take people on plant walks, this is the first family I cover, because the umbelles host the most toxic of North American Plants, Poision Water Hemlock. So please, don’t just read this article and go harvest what you think is osha root, this family is diverse and awesome, but also chilling with the heart stopping species that are a part of it.
The Mountains Are Calling…
I came to the Rocky Mountain region of Wyoming first when I was a teenager. I told my mom that this was where I had to be. Then, I didn’t know why, but after answering that call I realized what it was that drew me from that young age. The plant path was already a full blown part of my life, and research had taught me that the plants of high elevation were robust, powerful, and in pristine growing conditions. Plants that I had yearned for when living in my homeland of the Pacific North West, were thriving in mountain meadows. Trickling down creek beds and over rocks. And growing in cozy stands throughout the pine forests.

Osha root was one of those plants that I had wanted to work with so very badly. The species in the PAC West being lovely and usable, but it wasn’t the massive root of L. porteri or L. filcinium. I find this herb growing above the 8,500 foot mark, and all the way to the timber line. Bear medicine loves a pine forest, but also wants to have water close by, and her feet are never wet. Small open meadows will be full of her fern like leaves, usually growing with Angelicas, Yarrows, geraniums and sometimes Fireweed. Earth’s healing always grows in colonies of similar plant friends, osha is no different, with the best of companions in a formula growing together.
Harvesting Osha Root
Liguisticum porteri or L. filcinium, is harvested after the flower heads have gone to seed. During the early time of autumn. You will know the time is right when her leaves are tinged golden from the beginning of cooler nights, and when the days begin to shorten. There may have even been a light frost in the higher elevations. This is the time for root harvest, root dividing for sustaining your patch and spreading seed too.
I do love this time of year. Even though it means that winter is closer than it was at the Equinox. I love the harvesting of the fall roots, berries and seeds. It can feel more frantic than picking summer blossoms, but there is a calm that comes with digging in the soil. Osha typically has a very large root structure. From what I have seen, most of the biggest roots come with a flower stalk that is divided more than once. I stick to only harvesting these larger plants.
Not only does this give some extra space for the yearlings to continue to grow, but the harvest yields more. This creating a mindful relationship with the stand of our favorite lung tonic. When you harvest a 1-3 pound root once, you end up with 3/4 of a gallon of medicine. For a family apothecary, you will feel better fast for years. With the hole left behind, I will divide a piece of the root to be planted, sprinkle some seeds on top and send a deep prayer of gratitude. I have gone harvesting with many people over the years, and have to remind, constantly, to fill the holes left behind and offer back to the earth. Wild harvesting powerful medicines, especially roots like our slow growing bear medicine is essential and must be a component of your foraging live. This creates reciprocity in the relationship to the earth’s healing medicnes, and a thank you for providing to us, the people.

Osha – Immune & Lung Tonic
Osha is being investigated by many labs throughout the world for it’s actions and constituents of chemicals. These studies are confirming an increase in Lung Capacity by up to 40 percent. Showing its ability to activate the immune system and increase circulation throughout the body. All of these point to an immune and lung tonic.
We need extra assistance when living up high. The air is more thin, and this thickens our blood. Thus making the body work harder. When sickness comes through our communities, it is most likely to reach your home one way or another. In towns as small as 200 it is quite impossible not to. With Osha, you not only get a circulatory stimulant but you get a multitude of resins, and chemicals who ward off and fight infection. Specifically Osha is an anti-viral. This being a perfect addition to immune support through cold and flu seasons.
If you are one who usually has a cold settle in the lungs. Osha will not only help to strengthen the capacity and efficiency of your respiratory system, but will also encourage the release of phlegm that causes a stuck, croupy cough. Expect clarity in the lungs and bronchial tubes after taking a therapeutic dose of Osha Root Tincture.
With Osha’s bitter properties, you can get great relief of stomach complaints. Digestion is key to a fully functioning system, and with this, Osha gets put into the highest ranking space for being an all around amazing plant. Giving a tonic to the lungs. Powerful antiviral and antimicrobial properties to a taxed system. AND encouraging a strong circulatory system. How can I not put it in the Tonic Category of my Materia Medica…?
Read More about Osha and Related Friends here