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Samhain Blessings from the farmacy garden

Fall. Yum. While I do love summer, for it’s bounty and vibrancy, as a full time farmacy gardener, I am ALWAYS ready, and maybe that is why that bite in the air gets me all giddy. It is root season, the pumpkins and fall squash are ripe in the gardens, and the medicines that come from the soil, holds something different for me.

It is truly a time to give thanks, hold appreciation for the bounty that is all around us, and our ancestors, they would be celebrating too. Instead of truly celebrating the commercialized Halloween (which we do, I can’t help myself and now that Sawyer is here and baby no2… they are dressed, believe me) AND as we build our family, and alongside that build traditions in our home, I like to bring the old ways, and meld them into the new. So, let’s dive into a Samhain blessing and renewed way to celebrate, give thanks and open the season up with our ancestors in the front of our minds.

Mak’s family homesteaded here in the basin over 100 years ago, and when there are blizzards in October, often, doesn’t that make you wonder how they managed? My family came across long ago as well, ended up settling and ranching in Alberta, Canada, the winters are even more harsh there, and yet, they did it, all of our ancestors did, and those before them too, lived, sustained life, so that we are all here today. This is the energy of this season of late fall, and why, I know it it be the beginning of the season of gratitude, this is the core of the Samhain blessing and what it means to truly connect with your ancestors.

Lost Traditions with a New Face

Before I go into the Ceremony and the how to components of celebrating and creating a Samhain blessing, I want to look at these lost traditions. The ones that had each of us, honoring the ancestors, nature, the bounty of the land, and the light of the world, how did it become so lost and us so disconnected from these vital ways of being human? Back in those days, we didn’t have Halloween displays in the stores (I am editing this post in early August and I have seen black cats, and sparkly skulls already…), we didn’t have the chaos of immense amounts of sugar, and polyester costumes, and all the shenanigans that go along with the modern Halloween now.

The old times, even long before the most recent ancestors that I was referencing, each component of the season that came and passed was what our communities had. This was before industry, politics and modern technology, the community we lived in created industry and technology was human hand created, the hierarchy was held within the hedge rows of the village and decoration, celebration and blessings of Samhain were created from the land. Connection was held in the soil, in the knowing of the wild trees, plants and shrubs as true allies, simply because the health of these long lost ancestors was provided for by the farmacy garden, and herbs for Samhain season to store in the winter.

Back in these days, the honoring of those that taught what our ancestors knew year after year, was what truly mattered.

Samhain is an ancient Gaelic tradition of celebrating  Harvest, pronounced Sow-ine  and translating to the Passing of the Sun. This celebration took place around the 31st of October through the 1st of November, but truly took place during the moon cycles when the frost started to show up, and the last of the crops became ready for harvest. The light of summer was celebrated with community bonfires, then families brought home torches to shine light on the dark days. Fairies, and gnomes were known to pass through the thinning veil, and ancestors gave spiritual guidance.

Samhain is an ancient Gaelic tradition of celebrating Harvest, pronounced Sow-ine and translating to the Passing of the Sun. This celebration took place around the 31st of October through the 1st of November, but truly took place during the moon cycles when the frost started to show up, and the last of the crops became ready for harvest. The light of summer was celebrated with community bonfires, then families brought home torches to shine light on the dark days. Fairies, and gnomes were known to pass through the thinning veil, and ancestors gave spiritual guidance.

The reason I love the tradition of Samhain is it takes us away from candy and tricks. Bringing us back to the focus of Family, Communities, and Nature (of course!). Spirits are no longer scary, but carrying wisdom from your grandmothers and grandfathers, even your great grandparents and great-great-grandparents. They bring the wisdom of their time back to the present, these are the blessings of Samhain because the lessons that are brought to you and yours are priceless.

Thank You to YOUR Ancestors

We are one of few cultures in the modern era who do not recognize the dead as meaningful. Generally when a person passes along to where ever they go, the goal is to try to forget about their dying, forget remembering the wisdom that they shared with us when they lived. How sad to loose such a connection just because a soul passes along to a different plane.

What would happen if we remembered them instead, maybe even honored and invited our well ancestors into our day to day lives? This is a sacred ceremony, a yearly ritual, of true appreciation of all that came before us so that what comes after is uplifted through story and teachings… This component alone, as the nights get longer, the sun creeps lower to the horizon and the energy of the seen and unseen worlds starts to collide. This is the blessings of Samhain.

My Thanks Giving ceremony is one that has brought me closer to those who came before me. It has been incredibly powerful in many ways. Words can barely explain. Guidance comes through waking meditation, powerful dreams, and signs from nature, in the farmacy gardens and an the wild. The experience is different for everyone, and I CAN”T WAIT to hear about yours… PLEASE share with me!

The Ceremony creating a blessed Samhain… Time & Place

When I think of how our ancestors lived on this earth, through the cycles of the seasons, and the phases of the moon, the stars even, I have started to remember almost, that this was the true table to time they passed through. The moon was and IS a powerful portal to align yourself with, it guides the tides as well as the waters of our bodies. and it is a powerful time for connecting with dreams, your meditative state and the ethereal realms of this physical life. SO, for this celebration of life, appreciation and connecting with your ancestors again, the ceremony is synced with the full moon of the deep time of fall.

Please, gather some tea, a couple of mason jars, and select a comfortable place to be outside… if weather allows it of course(wink).

Tea Time…

Gathering your Tea for your Ancestors is a part of this ceremony, the blessings of Samhain, and a new tradition for you and yours. Be mindful when gathering the single herbs or pre-made blends, to be sure that they are in alignment you just have to listen with your heart when you look at the herbs. Some of them will shout out to you, thers will stay silent in their jars. Choose the ones who are loud, they will bring their spirit medicine to your ceremony blend, which brings more power to the effects of this creation.

I love to work with yarrow, mugwort, mint, and rose, even throwing some skullcap or valerian into the blend, but each year is different, there are no rules here, just trust your initial gut reaction, and know there is no pressure, just the making of your tea blend is enough. Many herbs are more ‘heart centered’ but really, all the herbs in your gardens or one that come from here at the farmacy gardens will bring their spirit medicine for protection, love, honing ancient traditions, and wisdom. Keep your collection simple, and feel that simplicity as it will be that much more powerful, this in itself will set the energy for a beautiful experience in your ceremony.

What to do in the Full Moon Light of Samhain Season…

The Full Moon of October is Thursday the 17th, and that of November is on the 15th, either or both of these moons are powerful for this ceremony. I like to do both if I remember (not sure that will happen this year, but alas bringing a baby in is powerful enough!) Remember, if you have illumination that is wonderful. If you do not, because of clouds, that is COMPLETELY OK. There are three days leading up to the Full Moon when the energy of that water moving powerhouse of a star is workable. Feel free to have those days, and decide on a time that works best for you, around dusk is a sweet spot in the energy.

create a blessed samhain season with the herbs for samhain.

The mason jars you gather should be at least quart sized, or one half gallon, have your herbs prepared into the vessels, and pour boiling water over your herbs. Tighten the lid on your jar, or two, and bring it to the spot outside you selected… this spot should have a lovely view of the moon, and be a place where you can leave your tea to bathe in the light through the night… If you are in Wyoming, or other northern states, be sure to check your freezing temps at night, some years we have been fine at the farmacy garden, but others, I have had to bring my tea jars back inside to steep in the moonlight.

How to Start the Conversation…

If you have prayer/meditation practices, bring them with you. Gather your candles, your smoke medicine, or your rosary, all are applicable here as we all pray in our own ways. I like to stress that it is INCREDIBLY important to create the space with the knowing that ONLY well ancestors are welcome. There is so much that can open up in settings as simple as these, just state out loud that there is only room in your space for ancestors who are well and for your highest good. Get ready to chat with your ancestors, breathe, and be comfortable. See the ones you knew in life in your mind. Say hello to them, and thank you, this is the Samhain blessing.

With your candle and smoke bundle burning, and or holding your rosary, go through your ancestral line as you know it. Thanking each and every one of them for their guidance as you go through tier faces and names. If you have questions for those who passed before you, ask them, speak to these beings as they are a part of you, because they are. This practice can go on for as long as you feel. Sometimes the ones we did not connect with in this lifetime, are the reason we are on our paths now. All of the people in our line has something for us, and all have wisdom to share. This ceremony will begin the process of tapping into the offerings from the other side.

Leave your tea, candles and smoke bundle out with the moonlight for the night… and if you are into it, have your dream journal next to your bedside for notes in the morning.

The Morning After…

Did you dream or have insights come through, maybe you even saw faces of your ancestors in your dreams? If so. Write down what you learned. If you did not, don’t worry the messages will come. You can perform this ceremony again on the Full Moon of November, too.

After you have written down what you needed to. Go outside and drink your tea. If you made more than one batch, keep it with you as you go through your day. Drink in all that moon energy and herbal wisdom, each time you take a sip, affirm the appreciation and gratitude that you cultivated the night before, send that into the water that you are structuring your body with through this tea. Feel your ancestors coming into your body through the tea, all of these components are pieces of the re-connection. Though simple. Ritual and Ceremony become powerful.

I hope you enjoyed this ceremony, and learning about what used to be Halloween, as a new found Samhain blessing. I look forward to hearing from you as you go through your journeys of re-connection. Blessings to you all, and as always… I am SO happy to be YOUR Herbalist.