I am here to REMIND each and every one of us that nature has all we need. Our collective shift and BEAUTIFUL awakening WILL bring us home to remember this.
Nature provides. Perfectly.

The human race has, over time, separated ourselves from this perfect and reliable truth.
This collective awakening is the time for us to shift again, but this time for us to shift to something simpler, something more glorious. I am here to bring us BACK to nature, and subsequently, back to each other.
Not only to show the way of nature’s wellness, and our ability to hold the nature of vitality. But to usher in a key aspect of the realization of spirit in our lives. This work goes through many avenues…
We can find this through the plants
Through Spirit and Source.
Our energetic bodies being intertwined with one another.
The human bodies
The tree bodies
The plant and fungi bodies
and the Animals.
We are here for EACH OTHER
We are here to NOURISH one another.
Humans belong here with our animal and plant family.
When we remember that ALL WE NEED IS HERE.
We realize we don’t need to take as much.
That there is enough.
The human race is in need of a massive spiritual awakening. And I have seen that we are there.
My ancestors have shown me that this is the time. It is the time when we can come alive again. We are realizing that the broken system that is laying at our feet cannot be resuscitated.
It broke for a reason and it is time to rebuild, back to BETTER.
I feel it in my bones, the bones of the women who came before me. The ones who were burned for being who I am free to be.

As the human race lost it’s connection to Nature, there was a disconnect from source as well. This disconnection only sucked us further from the reality that was perfect before we thought it wasn’t.
The lands and the forests. The waterways and the communities that tended to their wellbeing.
We are being shown a way back to this simple existence.
Now is the time to reconnect. To be back in line with WHO WE ARE as human beings on this planet. It is time for Our Beautiful Collective Awakening to take hold. I fully believe and stand by the truth that humans are meant to be here. We are not a parasite on this earth. HOWEVER. When the disconnect becomes so far from what truly matters. What is TRULY essential. The essence of human devours.
Fear rules us as the narrative of there ‘not being enough’ circulates.
And we create this reality.
It is TIME TO QUIT that destructive narrative.
It is time to see the REALITY of what we have all around us.
Precious resources that can be utilized as WE, in turn, NOURISH what we reap.
Sow into the land what we take 5, and 10 times more.
When we let go of that scarcity.
And then realize that what we put back in matters.
When we see how the reflection of the human health, is a mirror to the health of the planet.
Is it only then, that we will notice?
Will we stand on the path of the HOW we can get back?
Only then, will we strive to treat our beloved lands, waters, and all the beings that LIVE here with the respect that they deserve?
WE ARE AT THAT TIME. This shift is a GIFT to us from the universe, from creator, from source, from God. This shift is for Our Beautiful Collective Awakening

No matter the strife.
I will be here for the work. I will be the light that is needed through the shadows that are looming. For as many of you have heard me say over and over again… Light ONLY exists BECAUSE of the shadows. Not one with out the other. Not one over the other. But each BECAUSE of the other.
This plant witch is here to stay. Here to be and dig deep into this darkness. Dig in so much that there is a divide between the lies and the truth. The truth that ALL WE NEED is here on this magical garden planet. The society we have created doesn’t FEED our bodies.
Capitalism doesn’t NOURISH our communities.
FREEDOM doesn’t exist unless you FACE the fact that you are chained by the human created existences that are all around us now. Every day.
I have seen how I am chained too. This is the TIME for us to see these things. For us to stare them down, face the realities so that WE can choose another reality.
Our Beautiful Collective Awakening – Nature has all that we need my friends.
We don’t ‘need’ the things that are being shoved down our throats… down our children’s throats.
All we need is a breath, a tree, and a community working toward something nourishing. Something bigger than our selves. Something that will leave these glorious lands better than the way we found them.
We are at a time for us to grab hold of this collective shift. And take hold of the realization that division is not the answer.
The further we divide ourselves, the more we will wallow in our sorrows, which will only create larger wowes.
My work as Herbalist I thought was just that. To put plants in the ground, to make potent extracts and provide space for the plants. Though this past year I have realized that what I want to create, what I want to GROW to the world is much bigger than that.

My task is to provide space for us to come back home. To share the wealth of nature with the human beings who need it most. To reconnect us all to source (or God, creator, higher self… etc.. . we all call it differently). We need a community that is thriving from what we all have to offer. Providing space for EACH individual to thrive.
I will not stop being YOUR herbalist who brings you back to where your roots are.
Welcome back to your human self, my friend.
Blessed be and so it is. May all beings be wild and free.