Looking for a natural pain relief that truly works?
Struggling with arthritis? Swollen joints and aching muscles?
How about bruises and sports injuries?
OUr aches and pains as human beings of this modern life can truly get in the way.
And getting away from petroleum based topicals with all sorts of other chemical based ingredients is what we are truly after in this community!

If you are tired of aching fingers, watching a bruise turn into a muddy rainbow on your leg, or have sore muscles from a hike, bike, or ride, Arnica Balm from Enchantment Creek is exactly what you need.
As active as we are here in Wyoming and the Rocky Mountain Region, sometimes we find ourselves pushing through these sore muscles, or aching joints because we can’t stay inside!
And then we are whooped, some days we can hardly walk, and swelling really does put a hitch in our step.
This happens because of excess lactic acid being released from muscles while we work them, tearing as you build more muscles OR underlying inflammation caused by lifestyle habits and stress.

As these experiences occur, we have excess fluids that pool in our joints. Like when that river of Qi (I chatted about in the Mahonia Mountain Bitters Article) is overflowing, the rivers of our lymphatic system are clogged with excess cells that are attempting to come to the rescue.
In the bends of the lymphatic river, your joints, we get dams of cells, fueled by the immune system, and the fluids that are attempting to flush out flood the areas.
The result is swollen joints, aching muscles and tendons and in the extreme cases, arthritis.
The solutions are varied, but my go to that travels with me in my first aid kit, in the car, and on my bedside is Arnica Balm Sticks and jars.
We don’t always have the energy or time for an epsom salt soak, and I know that rubbing chemical based pain relief products onto my skin (the largest organ in your body, and all that is applied to it, is in your bloodstream within 10 seconds…) so I reach, yet again to my herbs.

This topical remedy is one that not only feels delightful on your skin, it truly is a work of art. These plants grow together in the forest, and have become my absolute favorite combination that provides amazing pain relief to all the spectrums of discomfort we experience..
When you work with Arnica Balm for sports injuries you can expect your muscles to relax, any swelling to berelieved and have restful afternoons and evenings after days out and about.
For the more chronic pain spectrums like Arthritis, I recommend applying an uncomfortable amount of salve to the injury site, wearing moisturizing gloves, or booties, or wrapping the area lightly before bed. This allows the therapy of Anrica to sink in throughout the night.
My clients who work with the Arnica salve for pain in this way, have great relief come morning, and with diligence, really have their lifestyle improve greatly!

This year’s batch of Arnica Balm has officially hit the Apothecary Shelves. It is the best arnica salve for pain. You can get an arnica balm stick or arnica balm in a jar!
It is fully in stock and ready to relieve all of your most stubborn aches and pains!
You will love my blend of organic oils, and find that the big box store arnica balm doesn’t compare in the slightest!
Follow the link in my bio to Topical Remedies and find our Arnica Balm in the 3.3 oz compostable stick, or a 4 oz glass jar. Remember, free shipping is on every order at $50!