Meditation in January 2018
The New Year is upon us all. Resolutions, which I am not necessarily fond of, are abound. We strive to change, or shift. We build a wall of sometimes unreachable heights to do better. Be bigger. Be different. When truly. We are all perfect to begin with. Besides… the lotus flower is born in the mud, rising up through the water to bloom on the surface…

Adjustments are important when aspects of our life have gone out of balance. But, should that look like a resolution to change everything? Is that a positive message to be sending our psyches? I am proposing a new idea of resolution. Where we build ourselves up. RE-Set in January. Re-MIND ourselves how to mindful our lives. Re-MEMBER we are perfect by design of nature.
Monthly Meditation Central
We all start off somewhere. The practice of calm, mindful, and inner peace begins simply. It grows and builds as all practices do. Over time. Days, weeks, into the months. By the end of another year. You are completely beyond where you started off. The momentum starts with MOTION. Focused, and consistent action to find life altering results. Starting somewhere that leads to the new present time and day.
My hope for Monthly Meditation with you all is simply being. Finding mindful action in each moment. Realizing what actions we take and words we speak. How each of these aspects of life will mold you and those around you. Each month I plan to focus on a different simple meditation to get you going. Love usually centers around February. BUT what if love cycled around the new year instead? Centering love into the time we are striving to love ourselves the most. To love more freely and openly. This is my hope for Monthly Meditation.
Love – the Most Powerful Force in the Universe
If you read my last post. You will know that meditation starts simply. Just with a breath and awareness to that breath. I asked you to take 5 minutes a few times a day to center by focusing on your breath. This next phase of introducing meditation to your daily life will be the next step.
During the last 5 minutes of breath in your day think about taking it one step further. With this simply beautiful meditation…
I want you to sit on a pillow, or simply the floor. Some where and somehow that is most comfortable for you. I love my mediation pillow… it is sturdy enough and high enough to keep my knees comfortable and sit bones supported. In this space of comfort and calm, feel free to light candles. Bring some scents into your direct space. Palo Santo is my favorite smudge for meditation. I light it before connecting to my breath and draw infinity around me. The scent grounds me immediately and leaving it to burn in my abalone shell keeps my mind centered in the now.

After you are set in your space. Start to breathe. Listen to the breath and the breath only. Try to sip in as much air as you can. Filling your lungs, feeling your belly relax and begin to fill with air too. Fill your body with as much air as you can. Then breathe it out in the same length and slow your exhale to match your inhale. The goal to reciprocate the length and velocity of inhale to exhale.
You will begin to center as you breathe. When thoughts come, just watch them float by. See them on a cloud, or as a ripple in the water. Acknowledge their presence in your mind, but do not attach to them. Let them drift away and refocus on your breath. Inhaling, and exhaling…
It starts slowly. But always begins in this time of breath. The mind turns off and you forget to listen. You blend into the space of calm. As this happens it may be difficult to remember to breathe. That is perfect. You are getting to the main event then. Let your body do what it does without realizing it. Feel the love come in and out of your body.
Breaths that you do notice, inhale love from the universe. Fill your entire being with it. Saturate each and every cell of your body in this universal love. As it fills your body, breathing it into you, what color is it glowing in? Is it a bright white? Or do you see shades of purple swirling around your organs. Maybe it is green or yellow… what ever the color you see may be… know this is love taking over your body.
When the exhale comes into your vision… breathe out some of the love. See that color of energy release back into the universe. Cover your space with it. Then start to saturate your house, then your neighborhood. Spill this gift that was given to you, back into your life and those surrounding it. Illuminate your family, even those who are far from your physical living space. With each exhale that you become aware of again, give this gift back to the universe who gave it to you.
Monthly Meditation – I am Love
Sit and saturate in the love from the universe as long as you can. The first day might be 10 minutes. By the end of the month, you may be lost in it for 45. However short, or long, try not to judge yourself. Just let it be what it is and what it will be. What matters is that you are now, consciously working towards mindful action for yourself and others. Feel good for the love bath you gave to yourself, and your neighborhood. Your family, and the country. The earth and back into the universe.
This is the point of meditation. Connecting to oneself, so that connection to the outside world is simple too. Love is the most powerful force of all energies. When we take the time to bathe in it… we can’t help but to illuminate it everywhere. This is the greatest gift we can give.